About e-game

During the project we developed an online e-game (with hard copy version) called “Eco patrols in 24 zones„ composed of 24 tasks that a player will need to implement in order to contribute to save the planet from climate change.

It is an educational game that aims to teach young people about the importance of environmental protection in an interesting, fun and interactive way.

It consists of 24 meridians, each with three levels and in which the player has to overcome challenges on different environmental topics such as biodiversity and ecosystem, environmental policies and activism, sustainable agriculture and food, energy and resources, water and ocean, waste management and climate changes and global warming.

The goal was to launch a joint initiative on digitalization of the environmental education area by creating an e-educational game.

It is non-formal, fun to play and it offers young people easy way to understand different environmental problems while developing problem solving skills. Different questions and scenarios pops-up in different zone (meredian) and player needs to solve.

Also, the game will be disseminated among different stakeholders and hopefully motivate different stakeholders to use the online game in their line of work while discussing environmental topics, climate change or sustainable development. 

E – game „Eco patrols in 24 zones“

Embark on an exciting journey to explore the environmental problems threatening our planet. Discover the ecological challenges the world faces and learn how you can contribute to the protection of nature through your actions.

Become an ecologist! Get to know different plant and animal species around the world, discover interesting facts about climate change and global warming, all while learning how to manage waste, keep water clean, use green energy, and establish a sustainable food system.

This mobile game is developed within the project Eco Patrols for Environmental Goals (E4E), which aims to raise awareness about topics related to the environment and climate change. The goal of the game is to digitalize the environmental education space by teaching young people about saving the planet in a fun and interactive way.

This mobile game was made with the financial support of the European Union. It reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Test your knowledge

Play the quiz and check the knowledge you have gained by playing the game. There are three quizzes. Each quiz contains 24 questions, one for each meridian. The quizzes are divided into easy, medium and hard levels.

Play on the following platforms