About twenty high school students from Budapest, Hungary will be part of the “Eco Patrol” group, through which they will learn about environmental topics in an informal way.

After experts from partner organizations jointly developed 8 new educational modules for the Eco-Patrol Manual this summer, all partners in their countries organize testing of modules from the Eco-Patrol Manual with young people (14 to 18 years old).

The Argonauta Association is the holder of a two-year project called Eco – patrols 4 Environmental Goals, which it implements together with international partners: the Association of Citizens Kreator Kumanovo from Macedonia, the Association of Environmental Protection Engineers from Serbia, the Consorzio di Gestione dell’ Area Marina Protetta Punta Campanella from Italy and Mindenegyüttmegy Egyesület from Hungary. The project started in February 2023 and will last until February 2025.

The goal of the project is to develop the competencies of partner organizations that work to raise awareness of environmental challenges and climate change for different target groups, mostly young people. And it is based on building on existing results, previous projects, programs and activities of all project partners working in the field of environmental and youth protection. The results of the project will try to enable changes in the behavior towards the environment in the daily life choices of the target groups – young people, by implementing the Eco Patrol concept and an educational online game.

The project will work on the implementation of jointly developed innovative practices – development and testing of the new Eco-patrol manual and the introduction of Eco-patrol as an extracurricular activity at the local level for the target group of 14-18 years old. And through the launch of a joint initiative for the digitization of environmental education, an online educational game will be designed with the aim of educating and motivating young people to be active citizens in the protection of nature and the environment.

This information was presented to the high school students before the very beginning of the testing in order to give them a bigger picture and the feeling that they are part of something bigger on an international level.

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